Mount Saviour Monastery

The Monastery of Mount Saviour is a community of monks striving to live
a simple, genuine and full monastic life
according to the Scriptures and the Rule of St. Benedict.

Mount Saviour Community in 2024


We glibly talk of nature’s laws
but do things have a natural cause?
Black earth turned into yellow crocus
is undiluted hocus-pocus.

These lines from Piet Hein point to the reason why so many different traditions celebrate festivals around this time of year, when they kneel and admire: out of pure wonder. Even people who are not connected to any religious tradition know this amazement. It is a basic attitude of the religiosity that is innate to all humans.
All religions arise from it, as if from a common root.

When I saw the crocus blossoms in our outer cloister, it occurred to me to start this year’s Easter letter to you, dear Friends, with its picture. Awe-struck amazement at the mystery of life – an amazement that always comes to us in spring – is the first step towards trusting life. Should we not trust the life force that creates before our eyes miracles like a crocus flower? That very force works wonders also within ourselves.

Are we even aware of the miracles that occur in our own bodies? Every second, around 2.5 million red blood cells are formed and just as many die. And that's just one example. What could it even mean to not trust this life force? And what works in us can also continue to work through us if we approach everything we encounter with trust in
the power of life.

Today, the darkness that surrounds us on all sides is truly overwhelming. But trust in life will protect us from letting that darkness get inside of us. Life tends towards more and more aliveness on ever higher levels and achieves its goal in ways we cannot even imagine. We can trust that process. So, i wish you all the courage we need to carry
the light of trust in life into our world.

Your brother David

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