Mount Saviour Monastery

June 2021
West Building Cloister
After First Vespers of the Sacred Heart on the 10th, Brother Francis pronounced his first vows of Simple Profession. Ramon finished his Observership and was accepted to begin Postulancy next month. Gerald, our second vocational candidate since the pandemic began, has asked to return as an Observer later in the year.
Father Don enjoyed a two-week break during the month. While he was away, the brothers had a succession of three guest Celebrants who took his place until he returned.

The 26th was the 50th anniversary of the death of Reverend Father Damasus. Among other planned activities that day the brothers gathered in prayer in our monastic cemetery as his grave and the graves of our other departed brethren were blessed.

Mount Saviour Cemetary

The lambs were weaned on the 28th. Weaning is stressful for both ewes and lambs, resulting in separation anxiety which is fortunately short lived. The first night away from mom is a noisy one for anyone within earshot as the two call to each other throughout the night. By the second night all seems to be forgotten as the lambs become accustomed to foraging for themselves.