Mount Saviour Monastery

September 2004

Br. Joseph


On September 10, some of the New York Oblates were here for their seasonal meeting.  They shared a meal with the community and had time to relax and meet in a different atmosphere.  On the 13th, Br. Joseph Amendola made simple vows.  He used his talents on landscaping and was able to make Easter lilies grow in September.  He makes a variety of candles with pure bee wax.  On September 16, Fr. Martin left for Rome to attend the Benedictine Abbots' Congress. 
"From 21 to 29 September 2004, the Eternal City welcomed 230 abbots of the oldest monastic Order of the West. The abbots convene every four years to deal with matters concerning the entire Benedictine Confederation as well as those of the College and Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo in Rome. Also present were twenty four representatives of the Benedictine nuns and sisters and five delegates from other Christian denominations.
Apart from the usual topics of discussion, the Congress developed the broad theme of globalization. Professor Norbert Walter of the Deutsche Bank of Frankfurt and Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant'Egidio, gave key-note addresses treating the secular and the eclesial aspects of the question. In some 438 monasteries spread throughout the world Benedictine monks have always adapted to the needs and culture of their environment, while conserving the continuity of their particular spiritual heritage. Globalization, the theme of the Congress, then, is highly apposite." (From the Confederation web site)

Coming Events:

Where May Sheep Safely Graze in this Present World
Second Annual Weekend Retreat for Knitters at Mount Saviour Monastery
January 14-17, 2005.  See the information page.

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